Earning your Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) can open doors to new and influential leadership roles in the important field of public health. Do you want to play a more significant part in promoting and protecting public health? Check out these top 10 DrPH programs listed below.
These DrPH programs are for students motivated to take on leadership roles in the field of public health. Some of these programs offer options with concentrations within the DrPH program. These are for students wanting to specialize in their study and grow in a specific area of public health.
These programs listed are the top DrPH degree programs, and many of these schools offer unique PhD options as well. Continue reading to find a top DrPH program that promises to advance your education and your career. Find leadership opportunities in the exciting field of public health.
- Johns Hopkins University: Baltimore, MD
- University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill, NC
- Harvard University: Boston, MA
- Columbia University: New York, NY
- University of California at Berkeley: Berkeley, CA
- Boston University: Boston, MA
- George Washington University: Washington, DC
- Tulane University of Louisiana: New Orleans, LA
- University of Illinois: Chicago, IL
- University of Alabama at Birmingham: Birmingham, AL
Ranking the Top DrPH Programs
This list of top DrPH program rankings was derived from an initial pool of 37 CEPH-accredited public health schools with DrPH programs. Program ranking was based on recognition from U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Public Health Schools, variety of programs offered, unique program attributes, and in-state tuition cost or tuition cost for private institutions. Tuition costs were derived from the College Navigator website. Profile information came from program websites. Prospective students should check with their school of interest for recent tuition costs and specific program information.
10. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.

In-State Tuition $8,100
Out-of-State Tuition $19,188
The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s DrPH program is offered in four concentrations. Each of these is offered on campus only. First, the DrPH in Biostatistics is a blend of application of biostatistics, public health theory, and management. It is geared for those with public health leadership and research interests. Graduates of this program are fully trained in the application of advanced biostatistical techniques in public health research. In addition is the probability, estimation, and inference in analysis of public health research . Second is the DrPH in Health Care Organization and Policy. This concentration provides training in strategic management, public health leadership, and research. There is a heavy emphasis on leadership and management. Analysis, teaching, and implementation of research into policy and practice receive focus as well. Students with an interest in public health management or academics and research may find that this degree is a good fit. UAB’s next DrPH concentration is in Maternal and Child Health Policy. It provides training in public health leadership, policy analysis, and research with a MCH focus. The final DrPH concentration is in Outcomes Research. It provides training in cost analysis, policy evaluation and research skills. Students interested in research careers or policy may find that this concentration is right for them.
9. University of Illinois, Chicago, IL

In-State Tuition $13,799
Out-of-State Tuition $23,714
This top DrPH program offered by the University of Illinois Chicago’s School of Public Health aims to develop students to become the future leaders in public health. This DrPH program is designed for mid-level public health professionals. Specifically, it is to expand their knowledge and skills in public health. They can develop the leadership skills needed to advance in this important field. This online program includes the in-person Summer Institute, online coursework, the Applied Practice Experience, and a Dissertation. With a minimum of 96 credits required to earn the DrPH degree, this includes up to 32 credits from master’s-level coursework. Graduates of this DrPH can expect to have the skills to lead in research, influence public health policy and bring evidence-based change to public health systems and institutes. They will be able to take on key leadership roles in public health at the local, national, and international level.
8. Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA

Tuition $59,090
Tulane University’s DrPH program in Social, Behavioral, and Population Sciences promises to provide the advanced training needed for professionals in applied public health program development, evaluation, and program-relevant research. Students may apply up to 36 credits from the MPH degree toward the 72 credits required to complete the DrPH degree. The Applied Practice Experience is a 300-hour practicum. It is designed for students to develop applied knowledge and skills under a preceptor. This practicum experience focuses on developing leadership and management skills in global health disciplines. Students must complete a dissertation and comprehensive exam to graduate. Graduates of this top DrPH program can expect to be prepared for responsibilities in program leadership, evaluation, applied research, and teaching.
7. George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Tuition $31,770
This 48-credit Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree program from GWU’s Milken Institute School of Public Health is a leadership degree designed to prepare public health leaders and practitioners to shape the future of public health practice and policy. It claims to have a focus on leadership and practice. This robust program provides courses in global health, environmental and occupational health, health policy and management, social and behavioral science, prevention and community health, exercise and nutrition, biostatistics, and epidemiology. Graduates develop leadership skills and skills for development, implementation, and evaluation of public health programs and policies. Students complete a practice experience, professional enhancement activities, comprehensive examination, and dissertation. This full-time program is designed to be completed in three years. All DrPH requirements will finish within no more than seven years of matriculation.
6. Boston University, Boston, MA

Tuition $56,854
This robust DrPH program offered by Boston University’s School of Public Health (SPH) promises the advanced training that is needed to move into public health leadership, no matter your specialty area within the field. This program is practice oriented and interdepartmental. Students will earn the skills and knowledge needed to develop, implement, and evaluate public health programs and policies on a national and global level. Students complete a practicum experience, comprehensive exams, and a dissertation, along with 48 course credits. This program can be completed full time in a maximum of five years from matriculation. Part-time students have a maximum of seven years to complete.
5. Berkeley University of California, Berkeley, CA

In-State Tuition $11,442
Out-of-State Tuition $26,544
The Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree program at Berkeley School of Public Health is a full-time degree program. It has a residency requirement (no online or night classes available). With the first two years of the program devoted to coursework, this program will take three to four years to complete. This program focuses on developing transdisciplinary knowledge about determinants of health and developing leadership skills to translate knowledge into health interventions. Students complete a research or professional residency in a public health setting. This is meant to develop knowledge and skills and identify dissertation research material. Applicants should be graduates of a MPH CEPH-accredited program. They need at least two years of professional leadership experience in public health.
4. Columbia University, New York, NY

Tuition $49,024
Columbia University’s nationally ranked Mailman School offers the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree. There are five DrPH programs available. The DrPH in Biostatistics promises to prepare students to apply statistical methods to develop public health solutions. The Environmental Health Sciences DrPH is the professional degree to pursue leadership careers in public health practice and administration related to environmental risks to public health. Those interested in the Epidemiology DrPH can pursue this research program. It is designed to provide clinicians and public health professionals with knowledge and skills in epidemiologic research. The DrPH in Population and Family Health is an innovative program. It combines on-campus classes, remote learning, and field-based research. The program promises to prepare graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to advance in leadership roles in global public health and humanitarian response. Finally, the DrPH in Sociomedical Sciences is designed for those with the MPH. It provides training in the application of social and behavioral science theory and research methods as they relate to public health.
3. Harvard University, Boston, MA

Tuition $49,448
Harvard University’s DrPH program promises to prepare its graduates for senior-level leadership positions that make a difference in public health. This multidisciplinary degree provides training in management, leadership, communication, and innovative thinking in the public health setting. Students can benefit from learning in a collaborative, small group in this on-campus, three-year program. (It includes an option to extend to a fourth year.) The Doctoral Project is the degree’s culminating experience. It focuses on the knowledge translation elements of this degree, providing opportunity to practice and develop leadership skills while engaged in a project that contributes to the advancement of public health. Graduates of this nationally ranked, robust program will be sure to make a difference in the important field of public health.
2. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

In-State Tuition 10,552
Out-of-State Tuition $28,278
This Executive Doctoral Program in Health Leadership (DrPH) from nationally ranked UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health is designed with the working healthcare professional in mind. Students in this competitive program enter the program with at least five years of full-time postgraduate experience. They aspire to be, or already are, senior leaders committed to improving public health. Courses are taught via internet video one evening weekly, with the student cohort taking the same courses through the first two years. Students must come to campus three times yearly for four to five days per in-person session. Dissertations are completed during the third to fourth year, with some students taking up to five years to complete the program. DrPH students participate in one or more applied practice experiences. This gives each student the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge from their coursework. They develop and demonstrate competencies as well. This practicum may be in the student’s own work setting.
1. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Tuition $57,010
Johns Hopkins University’s nationally ranked DrPH program is focused on leadership, analytical skills, and communication. Policy, management, ethics, program design, and evaluation are included as well. Courses are taught through problem-based learning. This addresses specific public health challenges. They provide opportunities for the application of skills and knowledge in a nearly “real life” setting as well. This DrPH program is offered online, with week-long in-person requirements in June and January on the Baltimore campus. JHU’s program competencies are based off of the Council on Education for Public Health’s 20 foundational DrPH competencies. Students complete a practicum experience. Additionally, they take a comprehensive exam, a dissertation, and a final oral examination. This program consists of a minimum of 64 credits. Students complete their DrPH in four, with a maximum of nine, years.
The Doctor of Public Health is the highest degree you can earn in public health. This degree will give you the skills to be a leader in all kinds of public health settings. A DrPH will help you to bridge the gap between the academic and research side of public health and meeting the public health needs in the world.
DrPH holders often become leaders of public health programs and develop policies to improve health. Jobs titles can include: Public Health Director, Public Health Advisor, Public Health Instructor/Faculty, Research Analyst, Public Health Consultant, and Epidemiologist.
It is possible to earn your DrPH degree entirely online. Most programs do have some on campus requirements a few times each year. Some programs require students to come to campus for their final capstone project.
A DrPH program is designed for health professionals. PhD programs are more geared for scientists.
If you earn your DrPH, you will likely pursue leadership or academic roles in public health. Someone with PhD is usually more interested in research.
Typically, if you’re studying full-time, expect to take three years. If studying part time, know how long your school allows for completing the program. Some programs allow up to 7-9 years to complete on a part time basis.
This is really dependent on the program you choose. Some programs accept less than a master’s degree to enter an advanced program. Applicants for a DrPH will need to have the required public health work experience, which is often at least three years. Each program will have its requirements for work experience and degrees.
DrPH degrees can be general DrPH program, or there may be options for specialization. Specializations offered may include: Environmental Health, Health Policy and Management, Health Equity and Social Justice, Epidemiology, Child and Maternal Health, Community Health, Outcomes Research, Global Health or
Infectious Disease.
By Carol Dolan BS RN BSN CDCES
Updated May 2022
Carol graduated with her BS in Nutrition from Montclair State University and her BSN in Nursing from Rowan University. She is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) currently working with adults and children living with diabetes in both outpatient and inpatient settings.
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