What Types of Internships are Available at the APHA?

An American Pubic Health Association (APHA) internship could be all you need to add to your resume to compete for jobs in the public health sector and land a full-time position. If you are currently studying for a career in healthcare and would prefer to work in a sector where you can help members of your community, you must do more than just study. In addition to learning about concepts, methods, and theory, you also need to get hands-on experience in a real-world setting to show that you have what it takes to become a valuable asset with a healthcare employer. To get this hands-on experience, you can apply for an internship. Read on, and find out more about the types of APHA internships that you can apply for and why completing one can be beneficial for you.

The Internship Options Through the APHA

There is a shortage of public health professionals and this shortage has created a need for trained professionals who have pursued a public health education. While you are studying, or just after you graduate, you will be qualified to apply for APHA internships.

The organization has been a major force in the sector for 140 years and shapes the sector by influencing nationwide policies, training prospective professionals and employing current ones who have a formal degree and some level of experience. Here are some of the types of internships that help students and alumni get practical experience: Affiliate Affairs, Communications, Global Health, Government Relations, Online Marketing, Publications, Professional Development, Health Policy and Website Design. You are not limited in the types of positions you can apply for and many of them apply to multiple majors.

What Are the Benefits of Completing an Internship in the Health Sector?

Not all schools require you to complete an internship, but all students attending accredited programs are eligible to apply to opportunities. You should consider an internship a requirement while you are completing courses, even if it is not one. There are several different reasons why internships are beneficial to your career. One of the biggest reasons why you should complete one is because having one on your resume will keep employers interested. It shows that you are committed to the field and that you have taken the time to learn not just in an academic setting, but also in a professional setting.

Being an intern is all about branding yourself. Your resume will become more decorated and your knowledge more expansive. Because of this, you are more likely to get hired and earn a higher wage than an applicant who has a degree but who has not been an intern. Spending just a short period of time can make a major difference in your career path and your lifetime earning potential.

Whether you are working towards your Bachelor of Arts in Communications degree or an advanced Master’s degree in Public Health, there are opportunities for you with the APHA. The organization welcomes all majors and will help you get the practical training that you need to show that you can complete assigned tasks and be a responsible employee when hired. After you complete your APHA internship assignment, you can either try to be hired full-time or apply to another employer with an opening in the right public health field.