Public health is a growing field and a satisfying career move for people interested in protecting and promoting health in the community or around the world. A Master of Public Health (MPH) degree can help pave the way in this career. It prepares professionals to solve public health problems. Public health jobs can vary widely in both the work and compensation.
How lucrative is a career in public health? What are the highest paying jobs in public health? What are the education requirements or credentials needed to excel? Will graduating from affordable mph programs affect my salary? Public health careers can vary widely depending on interest, location and past experience. Public health careers in professional environments such as local, state or national public health agencies and health care organizations can be varied and interesting. But the question remains: will the job pay the bills? The good news is that health-related occupations in general are on the rise. With public health experience and training, there is a wide range of opportunities.
This list of 20 top paying Public Health jobs can help guide you into areas that may provide the income you desire. Expected pay varies not only by job title and responsibilities. It also varies by location, other degrees held, and experience. Not all listed career titles require a Master of Public Health. However, with the MPH one may expect higher compensation. Keep reading to find a job title that may interest you and your wallet.
Methodology for Best Jobs in Public Health
Income levels for occupations listed were located through the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and This list is a start to find public health positions that are higher paying. The pay for these jobs varies greatly depending on the specifics of the job, experience, education and location. Median wage or income is the wage at which half of all workers in the occupation listed earned more than that amount and half earned less. Average wage is the total income divided by the total number of jobs. In some cases the highest 10% wage in the occupation is also listed. This information is intended to be a guide. Specifics about requirements for particular careers in public health should be investigated individually.
Highest Paying Public Health Jobs in 2020
Healthcare Social Workers

Healthcare Social Workers provide the support needed for individuals and families to handle the psychosocial impact of illness. These illnesses could be chronic, acute or terminal. Healthcare Social workers provide assistance to families. They help them navigate necessary services and provide patient education and counseling. They also make referrals for needed assistance.
Healthcare Social Workers may also provide case management. They design interventions to promote health, prevent disease, and discover and address barriers to care. Typical places of employment include hospitals, family services, home health services, nursing homes, outpatient services, mental health services, and children’s services.
The employment outlook for Healthcare Social Workers is expected to grow, with overall employment of Social Workers to grow 11% over the next 10 years. This growth is faster than the average growth for all occupations. According to, this growth will be driven by the expanded demand for healthcare social services to help aging populations.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( listed median pay for a Social Worker with no specialization in 2018 as $49,470. Social Workers with specialization and experience can expect to earn more in this growing field.
Public Health Educators

Health Educators teach people behaviors and information to help promote health. They may help address health concerns within specific communities or populations. They may also work in a variety of settings. These include government, hospitals, doctors’ offices, businesses, universities and NGOs. Health Educators teach people how to live healthy lives while avoiding costly health problems.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of Health Educators to grow by 11% over the next ten years. This growth is much faster than the average for all occupations. Growth in this occupation is expected to be driven by the need to improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. Health Educators teach about healthy behaviors.
They also help people use healthcare services that are available to them. This, in turn, contributes to improved health outcomes with reduced costs. Improved job prospects come to candidates who speak a second language. It is also beneficial for a candidate to understand community cultures where they serve. Having the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) credential will also improve employment prospects.
Median annual wage for health educators was $54,220 in 2019 with the highest 10% earning more than $98,530. State, local and private hospitals provided the highest salaries, according to BLS.
Community Health Dietitian

Dietitians are experts in food and nutrition and the promotion of health and disease management. They promote health in the community by advising individuals and groups on healthy eating and leading a healthy lifestyle. They also work to help people and communities achieve health related goals.
Community health dietitians develop programs and educate the public on food, health and nutrition topics. These health professionals may work in a variety of settings. These include public health clinics, government or nonprofit organizations, health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and other settings to promote and protect health.
Employment prospects are projected to grow 11% over the next ten years. This growth is much faster than the average for all occupations. Interest in the role of nutrition in promoting and protecting health has increased in recent years. Additionally, preventative healthcare in the medical setting is growing. The importance of preventing and treating disease through diet is well known. The aging baby-boom generation is looking for ways to stay healthy. This increases the demand for nutrition services. Dietitians with advanced degrees and certification in specialty areas may further improve their prospects for jobs in public health.
In 2018 the median annual pay for dietitians was $60,370, with the highest 10% earning over $84,000. Dietitians working in outpatient care are reportedly paid at the highest rate, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Epidemiologists are public health professionals that investigate causes and patterns in the spread of disease and injury in humans. Places of employment may include laboratories, state and local health departments, hospitals and universities.
Epidemiologists may be employed by government agencies such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fieldwork collecting samples sometimes brings them into contact with the diseases they are investigating. This exposure makes it necessary to take precautions. Most epidemiologists have a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree. They might also hold a different advanced degree in epidemiology or medicine.
Job prospects for employment as an epidemiologist are good, with projected growth at 5% over the next ten years. This is about average growth for all occupations, and prospects improve with experience and education.
The median annual wage for epidemiologists in 2018 was $69,660, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Environmental Scientist

Environmental Scientists use their knowledge to protect both the environment and human health. This is done by analyzing problems and developing solutions. They may advise health and environment policymakers, work within industry to reduce waste, or clean up pollution. They may also assess the environmental impact of construction, research and advise on manufacturing practices, ensure government regulations are followed, or work with consulting firms. These firms work to help companies comply with regulations and policies.
All these are possible as an Environmental Scientist. Some Environmental Scientists focus on environmental regulations. These regulations are designed to protect human health. Others may focus on regulations designed to protect the ecosystem.
Many Environmental Scientists work in offices and laboratories. They may also spend time in the field gathering data or monitoring conditions. This occupation is projected to grow 8% over the next ten years. This is faster than average for all occupations. Because of increased public interest in the environment and hazards that face it, there is an expected increased demand for Environmental Scientists.
The median annual wage for environmental scientists and specialists was $71,130 in May 2018. Top wage earners in this field are reported by as those working for the federal government, having a median wage of $103,440. If you enjoy research, this could be one of your best options among public health careers.
Public Health Nurse

Public Health Nurses promote and protect public health through educating people on disease warning signs and symptoms and management of chronic health conditions. Outreach is an important part of the job. This is done through educational programs, health screenings, immunization clinics and blood drives are some of the ways a Public Health Nurse promotes health in the community.
Demand for nurses in general is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations. Employment is projected to grow 12% over the next ten years. This projected growth is anticipated because of the aging population. There is also a growing need for education and care for people with chronic diseases. Employment growth will also be impacted by the expectation of retiring nurses needing to be replaced. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there has been an increase in new nurses entering the market in recent years. This has resulted in greater competition for jobs in some areas of the country. Nurses have better prospects with a Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN) as well as certification in a specialty.
The median annual wage for nurses in 2018 was $71,730, with those at the highest 10% earning $106,530. The top industries for earning were government, followed by state, local and private hospitals.
Occupational Health and Safety Specialists

Occupational Health and Safety Specialists collect and analyze data related to work environments and procedures. These public health specialists inspect places of employment for employer adherence to health and safety regulations. These specialists help prevent harm to workers, property and the environment. This is done by inspecting and evaluating workplace environments and equipment. They also work to ensure that safety standards and government regulations are followed. Inspections of such things as lighting, equipment, materials and ventilation are performed to ensure employee health, safety, and comfort for optimum performance. They may provide education on workplace safety. They may also investigate safety incidents to determine what caused them and how to prevent future accidents.
Occupational Health and Safety Specialists work in a variety of settings. These may include offices and factories. Their job may also involve fieldwork and travel. These public health specialists are expected to be in demand in a wide variety of industries. These workers are needed to ensure employer adherence to regulations. Employment outlook is about average for all occupations. It is projected to grow 6% from 2018-2028.
The median wage for Occupational Health and Safety Specialists in 2018 was $73,020 (
Emergency Preparedness and Management Director

Emergency Preparedness and Management Directors plan and prepare procedures for public health and safety in the event of disasters, natural or otherwise. These people also direct and lead the response during and following emergencies. Directors may work for government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private companies. Their job is to develop plans to minimize damage and disruptions during an emergency. Directors communicate and coordinate with fire and emergency medical services, police departments, and other community agencies during an emergency. Plans must be prepared and procedures carried out that meet local, state and federal regulations. Emergency Preparedness and Management Directors also inform the public of emergency plans. They often visit schools, hospitals and groups to update community members on emergency plans.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of Emergency Management Directors is expected to grow 5% over the next ten years. This growth is about average for all occupations. The growing importance for preparing for and minimizing emergency risk will fuel the demand for this position.
The median wage for this position was $74,420 in 2018, with the highest 10 percent topping the income scale at $141,130. If you have a particular interest in public safety, this could be one of your best options among public health careers.
Infection Control Practitioner (ICP)

Infection Control Practitioners are public health professionals responsible for the prevention, investigation, monitoring and reporting of the spread of disease in hospitals. They are also responsible for the education of medical staff in infection control protocols and policies. Infection Control Practitioners may have a variety of backgrounds. These could include nursing and microbiology. These professionals usually need to be certified by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). ICPs work to ensure proper reporting of illnesses, and work to perform analyses to identify infection trends. ICPs often are involved in risk management programs and to compile and report information in a meaningful way.
There is a continued and growing need for the healthcare industry to demonstrate improved outcomes and decreased costs. Because of this, Infection Control Practitioners can anticipate good employment prospects in the future. Developing skills in Data Analysis, Surveillance, Microbiology, and Infectious Disease will contribute to professional growth and opportunity.
According to, the median salary for an Infection Control Practitioner is $74,993, with top pay listed at $98,000.
Medical Scientist

Medical Scientists work to improve public health by studying the causes of diseases and health problems. This is done through research, clinical trials and other investigative methods. They sometimes work with physicians to promote study participation with their patients. Medical Scientists analyze clinical trial data, and may publish their findings. They may work for companies to research topics to benefit that company. They usually specialize in an area to promote the improvement of human health. Medical Scientists will continue to be needed for research in the treatment of AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. There is also a need for them to work with public health issues such as antibiotic resistance. Medical Scientists will continue to contribute to the development of treatments to improve human health.
Occupation outlook for Medical Scientists is strong at an expected growth of 8% over the next ten years. This growth is faster than average for all occupations. There is a growing and aging population. As a result, there are increased rates of chronic diseases and growing reliance and need for effective pharmaceuticals. This increases the need for Medical Scientists. The U.S. federal government is a major source of funding for medical research. It is expected that this funding will continue.
The median wage for Medical Scientist in 2018 was $84,810, with the highest 10% in the field earning more than $156,980. Those in the pharmaceutical industry are listed by as the highest earning Medical Scientists.
Health Outcomes Researcher

Health Outcomes Researchers studies public health programs. h They then analyze their information to see if health practices are evidence-based. Medical treatments are analyzed to understand if they worked and if patient quality of life improved. Many work in hospitals or public health organizations. Health Outcomes Researchers have a strong understanding of medicine and public health issues. Most of them have a doctoral degree in public health or epidemiology.
Employment in this field is expected to grow at a much faster rate than the average for all occupations at 31% over the next ten years. Growth is expected to result from increased widespread use of statistical analysis. This helps to make informed healthcare and policy decisions.
Median annual wage for Health Outcomes Researcher (Statistician under Bureau of Labor Statistics), was $87,780 in 2018. The highest 10% earned more than $139,350. If you enjoy research in the healthcare field, this could be one of your best options among careers in public health.
Health and Safety Engineers

Health and Safety Engineers combine engineering with health and safety. Their job is to ensure that products such as machinery, chemicals, software, and furniture do not cause people or property harm. Health and Safety Engineers have knowledge in current health and safety policies, safety regulations, and industrial processes. They then use that knowledge to promote health. They can be found reviewing specifications for new equipment. They must also identify potential hazards during inspections. They ensure that buildings and products comply with regulations. They then need to make required changes, install safety devices, and review employee safety.
Employment prospects for Health and Safety Engineers is expected to grow 5% over the next ten years. This growth is about average for all occupations. With the increased complexity of buildings, products, and processes, new regulations are created. These engineers will be utilized in the reduction of costs and the production of safe consumer products.
Health and Safety Engineers median income was $89,130 in 2018. The highest 10 percent earned more than $142,970. Those employed in management, scientific and technical consulting can expect higher earnings.

When we think of veterinarians, we think of them working to improve the health of animals. However, their work also encompasses protecting the public health of humans in the community. This is done through caring for the animals humans come in contact with. Most work in clinics or animal hospitals, and some travel to farms, zoos, laboratories and classrooms. Veterinarians diagnose, treat, and research health conditions of pets, livestock and other types of animals. Veterinarians may also work in food safety and inspection. They also sometimes travel to farms, slaughterhouses, and food processing plants. They do this to ensure that health and safety regulations are followed.
This field is projected to grow 18% over the next ten years. This is much faster than the average for all occupations. Pet-related spending is expected to drive this increase in veterinary services.
The median pay for a Veterinarian in 2018 was $93,830, with the top 10% earning more than $162,450 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. For those who like to work with animals, this could be a great option among public health careers.
Public Health Officer
Public Health Officers monitor for potential public health threats. Their goal is to prevent and control the spread of disease. By following disease trends, a Public Health Officer identifies public health issues. This is done to prevent the spreading of disease. They educate the public on specific health risks and create programs to minimize risk of illness and infection.
Public Health Officers may be employed by nonprofit organizations to advocate for the causes they specialize in. They may also lobby for health care reform or for changes in health-related laws. The US Military employees Public Health Officers to monitor potential health threats to the military. Local and state governments employ Public Health Officers to create needed public health initiatives and monitor community health. Public Health Officers may also be employed by the U.S. Public Health Services. Here they work in federal health agencies such as the National Institute of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Homeland Security and the Food and Drug Administration.
Salaries range from $55,615 per year to $123,157, with the average annual salary for a Public Health Officer at $95,794.
Healthcare Administrator
Health Care Administrators are employed by hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory care centers, and clinics. Their job is to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services. Healthcare Administrators may manage a facility, a specific department, or a group of medical practitioners. These administrators must have the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to changes in healthcare law, regulations, and technology.
This field is expected to grow 18% over the next ten years. This growth is much faster than the average for all other occupations. In addition to rising demand will be the need to replace managers as they retire. Candidates with a master’s degree in health administration or a related field such as public health will likely have the best prospects.
The median annual wage for Healthcare administrators was $99,730 in 2018, with the highest 10% earning more than $182,600. Those working in government, local, state and private hospitals make a median income of over $108,000 annually.
Public Health Attorney
Public Health Attorneys typically have a dual degree with Juris Doctor and Master of Public Health degrees. This expertise in public health-related legal issues opens the doors in the dynamic and growing field of public health law and policy. Attorneys in the field of public health may work to develop policy or drafting legislation and regulations in a variety of public health areas. They may also work for a government or nongovernment organization (NGO) on domestic or global public health issues. Public Health Attorneys may work in a hospital setting. They also may advise public health departments, or advise and advocate for public health organizations, individuals or communities to protect and promote health within the community. Public Health Attorneys use legal means to solve public health issues and assist public health programs with legal requirements. They also advocate for valuable public health policies and healthcare and social welfare reform.
Employment outlook for lawyers is expected to be competitive over the next 10 years. This is because there are more students graduating from law school than there are jobs available, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment growth is expected to be 6%, which is about as fast as the average for all occupations. With this in mind, law students would set themselves apart by pursuing the dual JD/MPH degree to enter this field.
The median pay for all lawyers according to the in 2018 was $120,910. Specialization, experience and location may improve income outlook and open up interesting opportunities. If you are drawn to the intersection of healthcare and law, this role could be one of your best options among public health careers.
Public Health Pharmacist
Pharmacists do not only dispense prescription medications and educate people on the safe use of medications. They are also responsible for conducting health screenings, providing immunizations, overseeing medication use in patients and providing health advice. Pharmacists play a significant role in public health by providing patient education, providing education on policy and population management. Public Health Pharmacists may be involved in improving the health of the population in their community, as well as global health and emergency response. Public Health Pharmacists may have a dual degree with a Master of Public Health (MPH). This degree lays the groundwork in Public Health through training in health education, health promotion, and disease prevention interventions.
Employment outlook for pharmacists is projected to have little to no growth. This is due to the fact that the pharmacy and drugstore industry are declining because of increased sales via mail order and online pharmacies. Pharmacy technicians will also be taking on a greater role in pharmacy operations. Collecting patient information, preparing more types of medications and verifying the work of other technicians will be done by pharmacy technicians in the future rather than by pharmacists.
The median annual wage was $126,120 in 2018 for pharmacists, with the highest 10% earning $161,250.
Tropical Disease Specialist
Tropical Disease is a specialty within the field of infectious disease. Tropical Disease Specialists focus on diseases prevalent in tropical areas. Their specific duties vary greatly. One area is to consult travelers visiting tropical areas of potential health risks. Diagnosing tropical diseases, developing treatment plans, identifying tropical disease outbreaks and taking steps to minimize their impact are among a Tropical Disease Specialist’s tasks. These professionals work to prevent the spread of disease native to tropical area. They also treat those suffering from these diseases.
Employment prospects are expected to be stable. This is due to the constant need to control diseases originating in tropical areas of the world. Tropical Disease Specialists may frequently travel to and may work in urban areas, for a government agency or privately.
Most Tropical Disease Specialists have a medical background as well as a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree. This is a lucrative career with an annual income of up to $200,000. If you have a particular interest in tropical diseases, this could be one of your best job options among careers in public health.
Public Health Dentist
Public Health Dentists promote and protect health in the community. This is done through the promotion of dental health and the prevention of dental diseases. Dental Public Health is the specialization in the dental field providing expertise in population-based dentistry, oral health data and surveillance, policy development, dental disease prevention and health promotion, and maintaining a dental safety net in the community. Dentists diagnose and treat diseases of the teeth, gums, and mouth. They also provide education on taking care of oral health including how diet affects dental health.
The overall employment of dentists of all kinds is projected to grow 7% over the next ten years. This is faster than the average for all occupations. The demand for dental services are expected to increase as studies link oral health to overall health. Public Health Dentists emphasize education in oral hygiene and prevention of dental health problems, not just treatment. As the population ages, the demand for dental services will increase as more people keep their teeth into old age as compared to the past.
In 2018 the Bureau of Labor Statistics listed the median annual wage for all dentists as $156,240. The highest paid in the profession were Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons, and Orthodontists with a median income of more than $208,000.
Public Health Physician
Public Health Physicians are physicians trained to focus on improving health and disease prevention of populations as opposed to solely treating individual patients. There are many dual degree programs available with an MD/MPH option. These help those with a public health interest to enter this field with a solid foundation in public health. Public Health Physicians may begin their career as a typical physician, treating patients in an office setting. They can then branch out into public health in university, hospital and other settings. Public Health Physicians may be focused on research and data analysis. Through this, they strategize to improve public health in their community.
Employment outlook for physicians in general is projected to grow 7% over the next ten years. This is faster than all other occupations on average. Demand for all types of physicians is expected to increase as the population grows and ages.
Wages for physicians and surgeons are among the highest for all occupations. In 2018 there was a median yearly income of $208,000 for all specialties combined. BLS lists anesthesiologists as the highest paying specialty, at an average income of $267,020, and “all other physicians and surgeons” with an average income of $203,880 in 2018. A Public Health Physician can expect to be well compensated for their expertise.
Are these all the public health jobs that are considered high-paying?
There are many jobs available in public health. Depending on degrees held, experience, and geographic location, employee income will vary. Advanced education, such as a Master of Public Health (MPH), typically increases earning potential. Other things that play into income include level of responsibility and the state of the economy.
Why pursue one of these public health careers?
Public health is a growing field with a broad focus on protecting populations through preventing disease and promoting good health. Professionals confront and help solve complex health issues. These include access to health care, infectious disease control, and environmental hazards; addressing violence and substance abuse; and preventing injury. Public Health professionals come from varying educational backgrounds. They may specialize in a wide array of fields.
Who should consider a degree in public health?
Public Health appeals to a wide range of people with differing skills, interests and backgrounds. Public health offers job opportunities to suit a variety of interests and skills. This includes those that are math-oriented, people-focused, or research-based. Public health is ideal for those who wish to improve people’s health and lives in a wide range of settings and locations.
Where do public health professionals work?
Professionals of public health may work in both the public or private sectors. The public sector includes local, state, or federal health departments, public hospitals and other organizations. Public health professionals may work as researchers at a university. Non-profit organizations employ people in health advocacy, policy, and research for organizations such as the American Cancer Society or Red Cross, or a non-profit that focuses on specific health issues. Work in the private sector may be in the pharmaceutical industry, health insurance or a private hospital.
What professions most typically obtain dual degrees in public health?
There are many dual degree programs available. Students in law school, dental school, medical school, veterinarian school, dietitians programs and other health related degrees may find programs with a dual degree in public health. These dual degrees help students optimize time and provides the benefit of public health training.
Do people working in public health really make a difference in the world today?
Public Health initiatives have added 25 years to the life expectancy of people in the United States in the last 100 years. The Center for Disease Control reports that public health’s greatest health improvements in the last century include: Workplace safety, infectious disease control, food safety, mother-baby health, decline in death from heart disease and stroke, motor vehicle safety, immunizations, family planning, fluoridated drinking water, and the hazards of tobacco use. What health initiatives will make this next century a healthier place to live, and what role will you play?
Where do I find job related-statistics regarding different areas of the country?
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides occupation-specific statistics for each geography in the United States. This would be a good place to begin a search for specific information.
Should we expect public health careers to be a growing field?
Above average growth is expected for many jobs in the public health field over the next ten years. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an expected increase in jobs for public health related work. Employment pathways in public health include government, education, healthcare, managed care organizations, corporations and non-profit organizations.
What is the professional organization for Public Health?
The American Public Health Association (APHA) is the Public Health organization for Public Health professionals. Their vision is to “Create the healthiest nation in one generation,” and they champion the health of all people and all communities. They strive to strengthen the public health profession. They also speak out for public health issues and evidence based policies. APHA influences federal policy. They have close to 150 years of perspective, bringing together members from all areas of public health. APHA’s mission is to improve the health of the public and achieve equity in health status. Their values represent the beliefs of their members from all disciplines of public health and over 40 countries. Check out APHA at
By Carol Dolan BS RN BSN CDE January 2020
Carol graduated with her BS in Nutrition from Montclair State University and her BSN in Nursing from Rowan University. She is a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) currently working with adults and children living with Diabetes in both outpatient and inpatient settings.