South University


South University Public Health Degrees

South University appears in our ranking of the 10 Most Affordable MPH Degree Programs Online.

Designed to help students acquire the knowledge and practical skills that are required in the field, the public health degree programs at South University Savannah are available at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Students who work toward the Bachelor of Science in Public Health are provided with a general education before progressing to the fundamentals of the sciences that deal with human health and disease. Coursework covers subjects such as health disparities, management of public health systems, policy and research, legal and ethical issues and health communication. Through the courses, students are prepared to plan, implement and evaluate public health programs as well as to advocate for health promotion and assess the health needs of diverse populations.

A total of 182 credits is required to earn an undergraduate degree in public health. Required courses include Anatomy and Physiology, Statistics, Human Pathophysiology, Microbiology, and Genetics. In addition to all required courses, students must complete 16 credits of electives. All credits may be fulfilled either in a classroom or online.

South University Savannah further offers a Master of Public Health program. This 48-credit program is designed to help students hone their skills and experiences to take on leadership roles in community public health and beyond. Students complete not only the core competencies for the discipline but also a series of electives and specialization courses. A practicum research or a proposal for applied research is required.

Available specializations for graduate-level students are Healthcare Management and Policy or Public Health Practice. In addition, students complete 20 credits of core courses. These include subjects such as Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health, Principles of Epidemiology and Biostatistical Methods. Other principal courses include Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Public Health Informatics, Program Planning and Evaluation, Case Studies in Public Health and Public Health Law and Ethics.

Like the undergraduate public health degree, it is possible to earn a master’s degree online.

About South University Savannah

A private university located in Savannah, Georgia, South University was established in 1899. It was known as Draughon’s Practical Business College, and the curriculum favored subjects such as bookkeeping, banking, accounting, typewriting, and shorthand.

In 1974, the South family acquired the University, renaming it Draughon’s Junior College. John T. South III served as president for more than four decades, transforming Draughon from a two-year junior college to a doctoral university. Additionally, the institution was adding more campuses to its portfolio.

Campuses are now located in West Palm Beach, Montgomery, Columbia, Tampa, Orlando, Virginia Beach, Richmond, Austin and High Point. Alternatively, students may attend online courses from anywhere in the world. South University’s colleges currently include the School of Pharmacy, College of Health Professions, College of Nursing and Public Health, College of Business, College of Theology and College of Arts & Sciences.

South University Savannah Accreditation Details

The Southern Accreditation of Colleges and Universities provides overall accreditation for South University Savannah.

South University Savannah Application Requirements

Applicants for undergraduate programs must be able to provide proof of high school completion or the equivalent. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale is required. South University requires new students to complete certain placement tests prior to the first quarter of classroom work for on-campus students and during the first attendance session for online students.

Undergraduate applicants who do not meet the minimum GPA requirement still may qualify for admission based on their SAT or ACT score. Such students may be only provisionally admitted for the first quarter.

Prospective students who are interested in enrollment are encouraged to visit the South University website to request information or to call 888-444-3404 to talk to an Admissions Representative. The representative will provide an overview of the admissions process, degree programs, and the application process. Next, a financial counselor will contact the prospective student to discuss options for paying for their education.

The undergraduate program in public health at South University Savannah does not require any additional application materials.

Prospective students who wish to apply for the Master of Public Health are required to submit an application form as well as any official transcripts from previous undergraduate- and graduate-level work from accredited institutions. If any of these credentials were earned in a country other than the U.S., then they must be reviewed by AICE or NACES. An admissions representative can provide more information.

Applicants to the Master of Public Health program must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and have maintained an overall GPA of 2.7. If the student has not completed an undergraduate statistics course, they will be required to do so as part of their master’s degree program.

Additional admissions requirements include submission of official transcripts, an essay that explains the student’s career goals and a resume that details all relevant work and experience whether paid or voluntary.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Students who attend South University Savannah typically use a variety of sources to pay for their education. These sources may include grants, scholarships, and loans. While loans must be repaid, grants and scholarships do not.

All students who apply at South University Savannah are encouraged to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. This can be completed online using the correct FAFSA code for South University Savannah.

Once the FAFSA has been processed, the student will have a clear picture of the kinds of financial assistance that are available. Generally, these take the form of loans from the federal government, although private banking institutions sometimes also provide funding for higher education.

South University Savannah makes several grants and scholarships available to students. Visiting the financial aid office or the department’s website is the best way to obtain specific information.

At the undergraduate level, the cost per credit hour in the public health program is $470. It is possible for these students to participate in South University Savannah’s tiered tuition plan. This program reduces the cost of credit hours as the student progresses through their academic program. Students in the Masters in Public Health degree pay $325 per credit hour, and the tiered tuition program is not available to them.

With a public health degree from South University graduates are prepared to improve the well-being of the world’s citizens.